Earn Money Online Game Without Investment

For most new people wanting to make money online, they want to test the waters but do it for free. This is actually how I looked at it when I first started out. I wanted something that required no investment, was easy to do, and was legitimate.

  1. All you need to know to earn, buy or sell bitcoins and make money online!
  2. Earn money online with clickpak by viewing ads and doing tasks, offers, taking online surveys etc. This is not a get rich quick s.

If you are wanting to know how to earn money online without investment, you may be interested to know about the methods I had success with when I first started out. With that being said, here are some of the things I tried when I first started making online that required no investment on my part.

Earn Money Games is a blog website which discusses the opportunities to earn money from playing games such as skilled games, puzzles, riddle book, lotto, lottery, casinos, quiz games and other websites which gives you dollars and real cash for winning contests. Authors from around the world discuss the ways to earn money without investment.

GPT Sites

GPT sites, more specifically get paid to complete offer sites, were one of the very first methods I tried to make free money online. I remember signing up to several of these sites hoping to make a lot of free cash online.

Here are my thoughts on this.

First, it was easy, legitimate, and required no investment. I really liked the concept of get paid to complete offer sites. The only downside is that doing these types of sites won’t make you a lot of money.

I would say if you went the 100% free route and did your best to get referrals and participate in contests on these sites, your earnings could range from $20-$300+ a month. That is if you stay consistent.

If you want to earn money online without investment, gpt sites are a good way to start especially if you are just wanting to test the waters and actually make some extra free cash online. For more information, check out my Top 6 Legitimate GPT Sites

PTC Sites

PTC stands for paid to click. You basically get paid money to click on ads. It doesn’t require any investment and it is a very simple concept. View advertisements for a specified period of time and get paid .o1 or .02 cents for doing so.

I actually tried this out but I didn’t really like the low income potential when going the free route. The free route just means you click on advertisements, view them, and try to get referrals the free way to increase your earnings.

There are certain ptc sites where you can purchase referrals and earn more money but we are talking about how to earn money online without investment so that wouldn’t be relevant in this case.

I would only recommend this method for those wanting to make a small amount of money for free.

If you want to check out some PTC sites that I actually made some extra cash with, you may want to check out this post: Legitimate PTC & PTR Sites Worth Mentioning

Earn Money Online Game Without Investment Free

Online Surveys


This was actually one of my favorite ways to make money online for free when I was just starting out. When you fill out online surveys, it really doesn’t require anything but your time.

You don’t need to make any investment or have any special skills. It’s a free, easy, and legitimate way to earn some extra cash online. All you need to do is sign up to some online survey sites, give your opinion, and get paid. It is that simple.

If you think this is a good route for you, I have written up two helpful articles about making money online with survey sites. You can access them by clicking either of the following links.

Affiliate Marketing

I will admit that this method isn’t going to be so easy as the other methods I have mentioned already. This one actually requires that you learn a bit about the different ways you can use affiliate marketing to make money online.

Although it does require you to educate yourself on how it works and what it involves, you can start with no investment. I actually went into affiliate marketing using free methods and I am proud to say that I made a good bit of money.

If you don’t know about affiliate marketing, I highly suggest you read my article Earn Money With Affiliate Marketing to get an idea of how it works.

You can also check out the articles under the Affiliate Marketing category if you want some information on how you can get started making money marketing affiliate products and offers using different programs and methods.

Offering Services Online

One last method I want to mention briefly is offering a service online. A service can be anything you can do for someone. For me, it was writing articles and providing content.

If you are good at something like web design, programming, and writing to name a few, you can make money online without an investment on your part.

All you need is a place to reach people looking for your services. Freelance websites and webmaster forums are a great place to start. You can even head over to Fiverr and offer your services there.

You can sign up to most of them for free and market your services. Just make sure you abide by the rules. If you need some quick references, I would check out Odesk, ELance, Digital Point Forum, WickedFire (Forum), and Fiverr.

The following post goes into more detail about offering services online to make money: How to Earn Money Offering Your Skills & Services Online

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Want to know how to make money online without investment by clicking ads? Great.

Affiliate Disclosure: SpeckyGeek.com receives compensation from companies whose products and services we feature. All links, coupons and recommendations on this website should be treated as paid advertisements.

In this article, we will discuss how to make money online without any investment by clicking on ads on the internet. Don’t you think it is really cool to earn money by clicking advertisements on your computer. No investment required. No skill required. Just work online for a few hours everyday.

What is Paid To Click Ads Business?

Paid To Click, also known as PTC, is a business model where advertisers pay the PTC platform website to show ads to its members, who can earn money by clicking those ads. PTC website members get paid for clicking ads, surfing websites and taking surveys.

Online ad clicking jobs requires you to simply click on the ads and links provided. For each successful ad click, you get $ 0.001 to $ 2 in your account. One has to register with a PTC website and wait for the ad clicking jobs assignments. Generally, one gets emails with ads URL. Everyday, you can get as many as 1000 emails with advertising website URLs. As a PTC ad clicking work member, you have to open the websites and click on the ads displayed on that URL.

Some of the popular Paid to Click (PTC) websites are:

  • NeoBux
  • ClixSense
  • Paidverts
  • BuxP.org
  • Scarlet-Clicks.info
  • CahNHits

You do not need to pay anything to join these PTC websites. Simply register for free and start working to earn money online without any investment.

When you join a free PTC website, you are asked to visit websites for minimum duration (10, 30 or 45 seconds) and submit the proof of visit via the specified method, eg: copy text or click a button. When you complete the ad clicking job assignment, you earn money.

Earn Money Online Clicking Advertisements: Truth

Imagine if you could earn Rs 25,000 to Rs 50,000 per month with your computer online by clicking advertisements. How great that would be! No?

However exciting it sounds, the truth isn’t that enticing at all. There is no long-term, viable business model that can pay you money to click ads online. You cannot make it your full-time job.

You cannot work full-time and depend on earning online by clicking on advertisements.

Get paid to click websites work in a grey area. PTC websites are basically promoting cheating strategies. The “advertisers” on these PTC websites are webmasters who want to artificially inflate the pageviews of their websites or get more clicks on ads placed on their websites.

The actual advertiser, who pays for ad placements on the websites shown through such PTC networks, does not really want such visitors or ad clicks.

Think rationally. Why would any company pay you to click on advertisements when you are not genuinely interested in buying their product or service? Does it benefit the advertiser whose ad is shown on the website?

Any online advertisement is placed by a company to generate new business, get new sales revenue and reach new target audience. When you sit before a computer clicking on ads, does the advertisements bring any benefit to the advertiser?

I can only think of a few scenarios when an advertiser would be happy to pay for such “get paid to click / view ads” plans.

If you are to be paid for viewing ads, you can get paid in scenarios if you can provide:

  • Views to websites that want to inflate the number of their website page views
  • Ad impressions for websites selling “cost per impression” ads
  • Install mobile apps on your phone to increase the count of app users

Ironically, none of the above methods are 100% morally correct, though not necessarily illegal.

When you actually find a program that pays to view ads or gives you money for clicking on ads, the whole operation is either illegitimate or morally corrupt. In general, advertisers require the advertising websites to inflate page views or ad clicks using such incentive schemes. So, the websites you are viewing are not honouring their agreement with their advertisers.

PTC Job Income: $1 Daily

Even when you actually find an online platform that assures you an income by clicking on ads or opening websites, the total income you generate through such activities is not going to be huge.

PTC jobs pay you as little as $0.001 for each successful click or website visit.

Generally speaking, it will take you at least 30 seconds to complete one ad click work. If you work for 8 hours a day, you will earn just one-two dollars ($1-2). In Indian rupees, you end up with a “huge” earning of Rs 50-100 for 8 hours of work.

Take the cost of electricity and Internet. If you spend even Rs 500 in a month, you have a net income of Rs 2,500 in a month.

For every 1,000 legitimate pageviews, websites earn about Rs 50-100 (in India) or $1-$10 (in US). When you are not a genuine visitor, the page views do not really bring much money for websites. If you are supposed to click on ads, you will get a few cents (or paise) per click. So, for earning $1 or Rs 100 (in India), you might have to open 1000 pages.

Do you really want to spend 8 hours every day to earn as little as Rs 2,500, or $30-60 per month?

Don’t Advertise Your Website on PTC Sites

If you have a website where you get advertisements, do not promote your website through such PTC websites if you do not want to end up with some trouble.

No advertising network allows its partner websites to use such PTC websites where people are encouraged to click on ads. It’s against your agreement with the advertising network. When your website is flagged for such activities, you will get kicked out and your ad account disabled.

By joining a “get paid to click ads” scheme, you are only helping people commit fraud. Worst scenario is that people trying to cheat advertisers by inflating ad impressions or charge for invalid clicks.

Smart businesses no longer accept such practices. For instance, Google’s ad platform continuously monitors fraudulent ad impressions and click frauds. It’s not really difficult to identify wilful clicks and impressions. Similarly, other advertising platforms strictly prohibit such fraudulent activities.

Earn Money Online Game Without Investment Reviews

If you have a website where you show ads, it is recommended that you do not get your website joined as part of such “get paid to click on ads” programs. You will only risk getting your advertisement account banned. You will not earn any money either when you are detected using such illegitimate methods.

Legitimate income is not easy to earn. You have to work hard for the money. I would recommend you stop looking for such methods and invest your time & energy in other legitimate methods of making money online.

Online Money Earning Without Investment

If you are seriously interested in earning income online, you can start a blog, sell products, offer services, work with genuine online job websites, start a viral news website, offer article writing service, work as a social media influencer on Instagram, SEO, or other legitimate online jobs.

Counting Money Online Game

Stay safe, and work towards your goal of earning income online.